Monday, June 30, 2008

Bon Voyage!!

I suppose that's not something one really says to themself....or regarding themself, but oh well. I never was very good at going with the pack. I'll be leaving here in just a few hours. I have to somehow run a few errands in the early morning before I fly out, so that'll be interesting. I have no Xanax for my many, many hour flight so I'm hoping I can catch the doc super early and get a quick prescription written out. Then I have to go find some brown pants and make a deposit at the bank.
On the knitting front, I have these projects lined up for my travels-
1) Finish my Spring Forward socks that I'm making with STR Lunasea
2) Finish my "Gaywalkers" in STR Pride
3) RPM's in a semi vile color of Noro Kureyon sock. I'm excited about these.
4) Marble Arches in STR Calico
and 5) Finish last years Italian knitting, my Embossed Leaves in STR Lemongrass.

We'll what kind of dent I make in that list. Last year I knit 2 socks. Well, almost 3 b/c I had my Alina Monkeys just cast on when I left. Anywho....I'm bringing my computer with me so perhaps I'll be able to update while on vaca. I'm off to make a last ditch effort to minimize the pores on my nose so as not to scare off any hot Italian suitors. Because my puffy, no-sleep-induced-black-circle eyes will make no difference at all.
Till next time, Ciao!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finally!! FO's

I FINALLY got the baby blanket not only finished, but photographed and sent too! And the baby's only 4 weeks old. Amazing! The blanket I knit for his 4 or 5 year old sister is still folded up in my bedroom. I possibly should have sent that along, too, but I've not exactly sure how late in childhood a blanket is an appropriate gift. Anyhow, on to the good stuff.


And a really blurry shot that sucks, but at least it shows the blanket in its entirety.


Frankly I'm too lazy to type out all the yarn information, and actually I don't even know the colors offhand. The ball bands are long gone. If you're really curious you can check it out on my Ravelry project page. Here are just the basics-

Yarn: Dark Horse Fantasy in various shades of blue with a bit of black and tan
Needles: Size 7 circ's
Pattern: baby size Modern Log Cabin Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting
Mods: Instead of using the 4 colors the pattern called for, I used something like 8 and just put them in where I saw fit.

I can't tell you how thankful I am to finally have that monkey off my back! It shipped out today and should arrive on Friday morning.

Next order of business: Zombie Socks!


It was really hard to even *try* to get the pattern details or an accurate color, but here's my attempt.


Pattern: Zombie Socks by Emm1e on Ravelry
Yarn: BMFA STR lightweight in Rook-y from the Raven series
Needles: Size 2 circ, worked Magic Loop
Mods: I did 5 pattern repeats on the leg instead of 3 and had to add a few repeats onto the heel.

These socks are also my first pair for the 52 Pair Plunge....which I joined with some crack-pipe aspirations in my head. I am SO far behind, but I'm not too pressed about it. I'd rather enjoy what I'm knitting than feel like I'm knitting with a gun pressed to my temple. Tonight I plan on finishing the first of my second pair, the Spring Forward socks from the summer Knitty. Pictures of that to follow.

In non-knitting news, guess what I'm doing right now?!?! Oh yeah....I'm just sitting here watching DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER!!!!!!! Evidently A&E has decided that while Dog may be a bit of a "character" he may not be so much of a racist and have put his show back on the air. You know what this means!! My obsession can continue! I knew the new season was starting in July, but you can imagine my surprise when I heard that familiar riff and the voice of Ozzy as the show came on tonight. I totally spazzed out. Big time.

Alright, off to work on my sock!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Because Everyone Else is Doing it.....

My creation

This has been going around the blogs so I figured I'd have a go at it. It was very interesting to see what turned up in my photo searches.
It goes a little something like this:
Search flickr for these things-
1) your name
2) favorite food
3) High school you attended
4) favorite color
5) Celebrity crush
6) favorite drink
7) dream vacation
8) favorite dessert
9) what you want to be when you grow up
10) what you love the most
11) single word to describe yourself
12) your flickr name

Cut and paste the URLs to fd's mosaic maker and voila!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mwahahahaha....I WIN!!

My few year long obsession with STR has paid off!! For those of you not in the sock club this year, Tina just had a contest in which we had to guess the two colorways that made up a pair of socks she got for her birthday. I got it on the first guess. Woot! The winners were announced today and as a prize I get some Rare Gems. Gotta love the Rare Gems.

I've been doing a good deal of knitting lately but haven't had a chance to take pictures with the off and on weather. I'll try to do that tomorrow.

Monday, June 09, 2008


The remainder of my time before leaving on my trip is going to be spent truly cleaning my living areas. None of this shifty around of items to make one room look better while another room suffers. I mean down to the knitty-gritty, multiple cleaning supply using, probably changing the colors of the walls and floors from them not having been really, really scrubbed down in ages type of cleaning. Objective/necessity numero uno is getting the rouge yarn under control. I contemplated taking a picture of the anarchy that's ensued in my office but I think it would probably give me a panic attack. I should probably take a picture and just not look at it, then post some before and after pictures later....if I make it. It's just SO. BAD. I don't know what to do. I sit there and try to untangle, think I'm making some minor progress and then pull a strand that leads me to another clot of yarn-hell across the room. And it's not even shitty yarn that I'd be willing to sacrifice to the scissors and trashcan. It's Jojoland Melody, hard to come by Regia, assorted Berroco.....ughhh. And the main cause? The boys. I love them to death but it's driving me crazy. Riley especially. He likes to take his toys, climb into my yarn and burrow. Dylan's tactic of choice is to grab things out of the trash can and bury it in my yarn. It just gets worse and worse and worse. The thing that really gets my goat is that just days ago I saw my one ball of Jojoland had fallen out of it's bin and thought, " I need to get that.", but I didn't. So now I have like 300 yards of giant tangle to deal with.
That's all for now. I need to do some more of this while I'm feeling motivated. I foresee the rest of the night going something like this: Untangle about 3 yrds of various yarn, panic attack, untangle 3 more yards, panic attack....etc.