Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Nameless Monkey

Monkey doesn't have a real name right now, but he will one day. Today he left his home in the giant martini glass on top of my fridge and went to do what Monkeys like to do. Climb trees.

Monkey's a little too hardcore for nature.
All the booze from the martini glass caught up with him after his tree climb causing him to wreak havoc behind this poor rock.
I really, really like my monkey. He's a badass as far as Monkeys go. However, I must say that properly piercings his eyebrows and ear was SUCH a pain in the ass though. He's made from STR Heavyweight in Mr. Green Jeans and Lemongrass.


Karoline said...

oh that monkey rules! I need to make my own soon too...

Large Marge said...

i need one too!

Bonnie said...

Leave it to you to pierce your monkey.

Miss Carole said...

Monkey's are funny...