Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My "special" order

As was leaving for work the other day, I came across an interesting package thrown onto my front porch. Inside was this:

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Direct from the poppy fields of Nicaragua!!
Just kidding. After some fluffing it really looks like this.
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I have a strong feeling that this shall morph into a Hot Lava shrug......or whatever that thing is called. Clearly I'll have to dig through my old patterns a little before starting. Oh......and I guess I should finish at least some f the 50 million other projects I have going.
In related news, I finally broke down last night after setting up and organizing my new yarn shelf and cast on for Lady Eleanor. I'm in love with it already, even though I was only able to knit three tiers of it while I psychotically sat up until 7 am watching The Devil Wears Prada, for like the 100t time in the past week because HBO seems to have decreased its movie pool to about films. I had never seen the beginning of the movie though, and by the time I hit where I had picked up before the shawl had gotten the better of me and I was hooked. Additionally, I have to say that my secret project of amazing skill and proportions is coming along very well. Some of you already know of this project of insanity. The rest of you will just have to wait a bit. I'm sure it will (not) blow your mind.
Oh!Oh!Oh!!!! And everyone MUST go out and buy this stuff NOW!!
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You would have thought that I had found the Holy Grail when I took this bad boy out of the bag. I actually pulled it out, had some kind of mini convulsion and had to shove it back into the envelop so I could try to absorb the glory I had just seen. It's STR lightweight in the new Loch Ness colorway. A must have for all!! I love this colorway as I have loved few before. It even eclipses my obsession for Manos Stellar.
Oh rats. I hear the war cry of CSI:Miami coming on so that means it's time for me to go mock-vomit at David Caruso. My yarn and I will have a splendid time together. And if any of you see me getting a little carrying my new love around and talking to it in public, feel free to take action.


Large Marge said...

Far be it from me to stand in the path of a woman and her yarn. Feel free to bring it out for a stroll. I'd love to meet it in person!

Nittany Knits said...

Hot Lava Shrug. I do not know of what you speak. Enlighten me master!