Monday, September 29, 2008

Yay, September!

I've been knitting a good bit lately but really don't have too much to show on account of the crapfest of weather we've been having. I had to give up on the hope of any usable natural lighting coming my way when the September installment of RSC came in. I tried. I waited. But screw it. My new Knitpicks needles came in and I want to cast this sucker on! If you're in the sock club and for some reason haven't gotten the yarn yet, go away now.

Woot! This color is soooo badass I can't even be near it without getting a minor twitch. The colorway is called Tide Pooling and the pattern, as I suppose you can read for yourself in the picture, is called Cloning Anemone Rib. Truly as rockin' as the club name might suggest.
Here's the yarn alone.
Lovin' it!!
I'm going to cast on for them tonight and attempt to do them 2 at a time, magic loop style. I've been working on a pair of plain vanilla toe-up's with my Potomac colorway doing the 2 at a time and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. My Second Sock Syndrome has reached such proportions that there's really no other option at this point. I'm kind of not thrilled with knitting socks toe-up anyway, but they really do seem to fit me a lot better in the end. I also don't actually have instructions for knitting toe-up socks 2 at a time via magic loop so those might take some figuring out. Perhaps some further planning would have been better. These socks though.....they're top down, for which I have a whole book of instructions. I'm hoping that 1) my wrists will hold out for awhile tonight so I can actually work and 2) that switching to my new super pointy and long Knitpicks Options will make it easier on said wrists. I'll let you all know how it works out.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy, busy

When I last wrote, I believe I may have said something about how I had a goal of finishing up all the previous kits from RSC. Well.....yeah, that's pretty much not gonna happen. I have made some progress, though.

This one gives a little more details.
They're arranged in chronological order. Serendipity in Dragon Dance, Leafling in Lucky, Cleopatra's Stockings in Incredible Shrinking Violet, and Gumdrop Socks in Goody Goody. The only one to have a mate is the Leafling, but damned if I know where that thing ran off to. The next installment is shipping out on Tuesday so I've essentially abandoned all hope of reaching my goal.
I may have actually met my socky goal if the new issue of Knitty hadn't been published with this in it.
The pattern is such that it looks kind of funky until it's all blocked out and nice. I was really iffy on my color choices, but now that it's getting bigger it's growing on me more and more. I'm buying this maroon fall jacket and I think this'll go perfectly with it. The golden color is Oregon Red Clover Honey (STR lightweight) and the multi is mediumweight Carbon Dating.
I also found this thing languishing on a shelf in my hallway.
My Montego Bay scarf. In my crazy head I thought that it was almost done and decided to just finish it up. Not so much on that "almost done" part. It is a quick knit, but it's one of those where you have to just keep at it. I want it to be very long as my initial plan was to make it almost wrappish. I think I still have about 2ft left to go. Oh, and that yarn is BMFA Luscious Single Silk in Gypsum.
I've gotta work in the am so I'm going to try and make it an early night. I need to work a little on some Christmas research knitting before I hit the sack. I don't know how much about that I can post, but I'm relatively sure that no one involved reads this so I'll probably show my results pretty soon.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend kickoff!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Silence and Socks

There's been little on which to update lately, hence the lack of posts. I've just been really, really busy these past two weeks and knitting has been far down on the list of things that need to be done.
One thing I HAVE been working on though, albeit slowly, is trying to complete all the socks from RSC. Though I swore up and down that I was going to stay on top of the kits, I've completed a woeful single pair. From the first kit I got one sock knitted down to just the toe. It got put on the back burner because it was packed away while I went to visit a sick friend and never unpacked. Once I got it out of my suitcase, I realized that perhaps I had made a mistake knitting the sole on a smaller needle. That discovery pushed it further to the back of the back burner. About a month ago I took it out again and put it on my foot, then decided that I could deal with it. I tried it on again last night though and have to accept that it just too tight in the ankle region. So frogged it was at about 4am. I've been working on it today and am now back to the heel turn. Hopefully, if I can steal some time out of my life, I can have the pair finished by weeks end.

The next pair is the one I finished.

The May kit is lovely, but I didn't start on it until last week. I bound off the first sock today (using EZ's sewn bind off which is AWESOME) and wow, did that thing take a LOT of knitting time. The patterns not hard to follow, but the little cables and knitting 2 together thru the backloops was hard to manage with the relatively dull pointed needles I was working with. I hope that the second one will go faster.

The July kit is also has one sock knit down to the toe and the only reason I haven't finished it, or the second sock, is just pure laziness and lack of attention span.

I guesstimate that I should have the September kit in about 2 weeks so it's going to be tough. Even if I don't get them all finished, I'll still be a lot closer to goal than I am now.

In other news, a lot of deer have come out of hiding around here because of all the tree-ripping they're doing here for the ICC. I saw 10 deer tonight while driving the 1 mile to my grandpa's house, 2 of which live in my neighborhood. Unfortunately for me, the deer in my neighborhood are two GINORMOUS bucks with great big-ass antlers and one of them wants to destroy me. Everyone keeps telling me that the deer isn't going to attack me, but I feel differently. This dude has absolutely no fear of me at all, watches me while shifting his legs like he's a race horse waiting for the gates to open, and has total disregard for the dangers associated with my car. He doesn't freeze but just keeps walking while keeping an "I'm going to tear you apart" look in his eyes. Two nights ago he even bent down and bucked his giant antlers at me while I tried to creep by. I have no doubt that he will, in fact, beat the crap out of me by the end of the season. I'd like to sneak out there and get a picture of him to show you, but that would mean my stepping into his world and getting trampled and antlered to death. Then people would just use the picture from my dropped and probably bloody camera to put up as a display at my funeral.

I need to go move Riley from my knitting chair now as he's ripping apart paper robbed from the trash all over it. I would take the trash out to the curb as it's trash night, but again....risk of brutal death. It'll have to be out off til morning.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ahhhhh, the fabulosity that is BMFA

I've kind of been holding off on the posting of new yarn acquisitions....mainly because I seem to have been "holding off" on posting FO's/WIP's/Anything that would give the general impression that I do anything with yarn other than hoard it. Since I've had a few FO's to show of late, and because this last yarn purchase is just kickass--
I'm in love. I had family over today who got to witness the freakish radiation of joy that came to me when I walked in and saw my special BMFA box. One would have thought I had just been shipped a large package of 100 dollar bills.
Now, although I'm exhausted and have pulled inner thigh muscles, I'm heading for the gym. Those of you interested in what colorways are up there can poke around my Ravelry stuff or take the less time consuming (but less adventurous) option of just asking me:)