Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Start the Insanity!!

I suppose the word "start" isn't particularly applicable when speaking of myself. A better word would be "increase" or, in this case, the proper term might be "Heighten insanity to an alarming level.....CODE RED". I shall break it down in list form:

1) I am STILL SICK!!! WTF!! I have now been sick for a week and 4 days.

2) I have absolutely destroyed both my office and bedroom, frantically searching for this....

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3) I have begun studying for the GRE's, which I have to take in a little over a month.

4) I am still having minor issues over my sister's families recent acquisitions, shall we say.

5) There is a large meeting to be held at my home on Thursday morning. I have been trying to clean the house for about 3 days and have achieved nothing. I told my mother two days ago that I can go no further in m endeavours until she cleans up her mess, and she agreed. Guess who still has not cleaned up her mess??

For these reasons, among others, I have been sleeping less and less. I have not been making the best decisions in my sleep deprived haze as can be seen in this photograph.

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Hello 6am McDonald's run.
I would like to say that I really don't have such massive cankles. Those would be my Opal Jaywalkers and my fancy Italian moon-walking shoes. I am aware that they don't particularly compliment each other. We decided to switch things up this morning and have breakfast before we went to sleep. You know.....we like to break out of the mold every now an again.
In knitting news, i finally attempted to photograph my finished Lady Eleanor, but pretty much failed miserably.
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Pattern: Lady Eleanor from Scarf Style
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden #251, 11 skeins
Needles: US 9
Mods: I made it WAY longer than the pattern called for.
I also received this kick-ass yarn from Yarn Ahoy.
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She does some of the most vibrant work I've seen. There's also quite an impressive yardage on these suckers. I believe the colorways are Nouveau Blue, Sour Berries and Chocolate, and Ablaze.
Always the optimist, I will take the havoc wreaked in my office as an opportunity to organize my old stash. Most of my newer stuff and sock yarn is in new shelving units, but the bulk of my stash is shoved (and I mean shoved, squished, pounded) into my plastic units in the office closet. Well...it was until I went on my mad rampage of destruction. Now it's just all twisted and tangled across the room. I'm off to clean!

1 comment:

Nittany Knits said...

I should be cleaning now as well, since I have parents arriving in two days. E-Gads!

I have managed to stuff yarn almost out of sight (now I know how those married ladies have to operate), and now it's off to the rest of the house.

Hope your life isn't so hectic that you don't sign up for Sock Wars 2. We need your sock warrior skills!