Saturday, November 12, 2005

This post is going all over the place. Sorry. At least I got my pictures up here. I guess the secret os to put all the pictures up first, then write around them. I'll know for next time. I'm sure there's a way to move stuff around, but it's beyond me at this point. From this point, everything is going backwards. This is my hand dyed black from the Manos. Below is the One Skein Wonder, the Manos from which is what did this to my hand. BTW, notice my baby boy peeking out in the hand picture. He's my baby. He thinks I'm crazy and often looks at me just like in the I'm a nutter who's amusing him.

I'm going to try and make a legitimate entry here, while at the same time trying to figure out the picture publishing bit. Please excuse me if it gets all jacked up. I'm good at doing things like that: )
Tonight I went to Target and bought the new Star Wars movie. It was very....interesting. Not what I expected. I was kind of let down by how easily he became Darth Vader. Now I think he's kind of a chump. I always had a huge crush on Darth Vader. One of the frist great let downs of my life was when his mask was taken off and he was a dried up old, ugly man. I felt like I had been living a lie. It didn't help seenng him all burnt to a skeletal crisp in this movie, either. Although I had already lost a ton of respect for his total lack of strength.
In knitting news.....I finished my nephews hat for Christmas. I have a scarf done, and am going to make him some arm warmers but I have to take some measurements on my brother before I get started. I made some for myself, and they came out looking like they were for someone with giant wrist tumors or something. I'll be better with his. Here's the hat. Uhhhh....that didn't quite work. There's the hat up above.

After I finished that, in the joy of having a Christams gift completed on Novemebr 11, I started making a one skein wonder for myself out of some black Manos. I have sooooo much Manos around the house it's not even funny. Clearly I haven't gotten too far, but I was knitting it while I watched the movie.

Well, for whatever reason, I can't get my friggin' pictures to load on here. Grrrrrr. This isn't working as I want it to.

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