Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Coming soon to a website near you!!!
All in all, I'm here, stuffs happening, knitting's getting done and soon everything will be safe in a new home. The website should be going live soon and I'll post the new info then.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The Nameless Monkey
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yay, September!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Busy, busy
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Silence and Socks
One thing I HAVE been working on though, albeit slowly, is trying to complete all the socks from RSC. Though I swore up and down that I was going to stay on top of the kits, I've completed a woeful single pair. From the first kit I got one sock knitted down to just the toe. It got put on the back burner because it was packed away while I went to visit a sick friend and never unpacked. Once I got it out of my suitcase, I realized that perhaps I had made a mistake knitting the sole on a smaller needle. That discovery pushed it further to the back of the back burner. About a month ago I took it out again and put it on my foot, then decided that I could deal with it. I tried it on again last night though and have to accept that it just too tight in the ankle region. So frogged it was at about 4am. I've been working on it today and am now back to the heel turn. Hopefully, if I can steal some time out of my life, I can have the pair finished by weeks end.
The next pair is the one I finished.
The May kit is lovely, but I didn't start on it until last week. I bound off the first sock today (using EZ's sewn bind off which is AWESOME) and wow, did that thing take a LOT of knitting time. The patterns not hard to follow, but the little cables and knitting 2 together thru the backloops was hard to manage with the relatively dull pointed needles I was working with. I hope that the second one will go faster.
The July kit is also has one sock knit down to the toe and the only reason I haven't finished it, or the second sock, is just pure laziness and lack of attention span.
I guesstimate that I should have the September kit in about 2 weeks so it's going to be tough. Even if I don't get them all finished, I'll still be a lot closer to goal than I am now.
In other news, a lot of deer have come out of hiding around here because of all the tree-ripping they're doing here for the ICC. I saw 10 deer tonight while driving the 1 mile to my grandpa's house, 2 of which live in my neighborhood. Unfortunately for me, the deer in my neighborhood are two GINORMOUS bucks with great big-ass antlers and one of them wants to destroy me. Everyone keeps telling me that the deer isn't going to attack me, but I feel differently. This dude has absolutely no fear of me at all, watches me while shifting his legs like he's a race horse waiting for the gates to open, and has total disregard for the dangers associated with my car. He doesn't freeze but just keeps walking while keeping an "I'm going to tear you apart" look in his eyes. Two nights ago he even bent down and bucked his giant antlers at me while I tried to creep by. I have no doubt that he will, in fact, beat the crap out of me by the end of the season. I'd like to sneak out there and get a picture of him to show you, but that would mean my stepping into his world and getting trampled and antlered to death. Then people would just use the picture from my dropped and probably bloody camera to put up as a display at my funeral.
I need to go move Riley from my knitting chair now as he's ripping apart paper robbed from the trash all over it. I would take the trash out to the curb as it's trash night, but again....risk of brutal death. It'll have to be out off til morning.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Ahhhhh, the fabulosity that is BMFA
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Nothern Wisconsin Hat
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A proud Mother
I am simply overcome with pride over Dylan. As many of you know, Satan lives in his heart. He's been blacklisted by almost all the groomers in the area, my family fears him, and the vet won't even stay in the same room with him if he's not sedated. Except for that one time where Dr. T decided to be all manly and try to demonstrate how it couldn't possibly be as difficult as I claimed to administer ear drops twice daily. That episode ended with a destroyed vets office and poo on the table. Luckily, it was Dylans poo though I suspect some dirty underwear may have been concealed.
So today I had to take Dylan in to have a possible tick examined, as well as a nubby hard spot that appeared near his ribs. Naturally, as soon as Dr. T appeared, Dylan began his usual growling and such. HOWEVER, I put him up on the table and all he did was continue the growling and try to climb up on my shoulders. Dr. T approached him and Dylan bristled, but I was able to hold his face looking at me while the doctor examined him WITHOUT SEDATION. This, my friends, is abso-fuckin'-lutely AMAZING. I took a big chance and risked jinxing myself by gloating to Dr.T that this was the first time we were able to ixnay the drugs, but my luck didn't break. Dr.T didn't even charge me for the visit. Dylan does have to go in for minor surgery next Thursday to have the mole and lump removed, though I think it's mainly cosmetic. I was assured that it's nothing to be concerned about. Plus, I get the huge added bonus of his teeth getting cleaned so it's possible that I won't be greeted with the stench of rotting corpses everytime he breathes near me. That's always a plus in my book. Naturally though, Thursday is the only day I have "off" next week so I'm going to have to sacrifice the dream of sleep and have him there by 8am. I've been told that he should be ready to come home around 4 so I should be able to squeeze in a nap btwn drop off and pick up.
In my extreme state of jubilation I bought him some Greenie treats. Foolishly, I removed the $6 that were in my purse. Dear God, those things are expensive! He was very happy with them though and has since consumed 5 of them. That's acceptable because he's also lost 4 lbs since his last doctors visit when I found out what a fat pig he really is. I have since demanded that my mother cease her constant food sharing activities and it has paid off. I still catch her, on occasion, dropping a cookie on the floor or something...usually in a defiant effort to thwart my plans. I say this because such incidences seem to occur directly succeeding my requests to NOT feed him. He has also attacked Riley at least twice since we've been home, but from the sounds of the fights they seem to have been very short attacks. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Riley incited the throwdowns, either.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
God help me, I finished them! A tale of sock horror.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Not Dead!!
My progress in the 52 Pair Plunge is going at approximately the rate of a turtle stuck in molasses while trying to move up a steep cliff. I've knit some single socks...but they don't really count. I do, however, have this to show.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Uhhhhhh...good thing I'm "organized", huh?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
And She's Back!
I got home from Italy about a week ago. The trip was fabulous, as always, and I'm already looking forward to going back. I'll be uploading the relatively few pictures I took as soon as I feel non-lazy enough to do so.
On to the important stuff. So how much of my knitting list do you think I got through?? Ummm...how bout NONE. Seriously, how pathetic is that? Lack of progress was due to an assortment of things, namely hurting my finger the second day I got there and then just not particularly feeling like it. I swear, it as so. friggin'. HOT there. Truly, the few times I did attempt to knit my yarn would become so water logged that it seemed to be felting in my sweaty little hands. I've made a little progress since I've been back, but none to speak of. I'll stick up some WIP pics later.
And now, on to the VERY important stuff. One of the benefits of going away when I did was that I hardly had to wait at all for the July installment of RSC. Awesome. And we got not one, but two patterns this time around! Exciting!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bon Voyage!!
On the knitting front, I have these projects lined up for my travels-
1) Finish my Spring Forward socks that I'm making with STR Lunasea
2) Finish my "Gaywalkers" in STR Pride
3) RPM's in a semi vile color of Noro Kureyon sock. I'm excited about these.
4) Marble Arches in STR Calico
and 5) Finish last years Italian knitting, my Embossed Leaves in STR Lemongrass.
We'll what kind of dent I make in that list. Last year I knit 2 socks. Well, almost 3 b/c I had my Alina Monkeys just cast on when I left. Anywho....I'm bringing my computer with me so perhaps I'll be able to update while on vaca. I'm off to make a last ditch effort to minimize the pores on my nose so as not to scare off any hot Italian suitors. Because my puffy, no-sleep-induced-black-circle eyes will make no difference at all.
Till next time, Ciao!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Finally!! FO's

And a really blurry shot that sucks, but at least it shows the blanket in its entirety.

Frankly I'm too lazy to type out all the yarn information, and actually I don't even know the colors offhand. The ball bands are long gone. If you're really curious you can check it out on my Ravelry project page. Here are just the basics-
Yarn: Dark Horse Fantasy in various shades of blue with a bit of black and tan
Needles: Size 7 circ's
Pattern: baby size Modern Log Cabin Blanket from Mason Dixon Knitting
Mods: Instead of using the 4 colors the pattern called for, I used something like 8 and just put them in where I saw fit.
I can't tell you how thankful I am to finally have that monkey off my back! It shipped out today and should arrive on Friday morning.
Next order of business: Zombie Socks!

It was really hard to even *try* to get the pattern details or an accurate color, but here's my attempt.

Pattern: Zombie Socks by Emm1e on Ravelry
Yarn: BMFA STR lightweight in Rook-y from the Raven series
Needles: Size 2 circ, worked Magic Loop
Mods: I did 5 pattern repeats on the leg instead of 3 and had to add a few repeats onto the heel.
These socks are also my first pair for the 52 Pair Plunge....which I joined with some crack-pipe aspirations in my head. I am SO far behind, but I'm not too pressed about it. I'd rather enjoy what I'm knitting than feel like I'm knitting with a gun pressed to my temple. Tonight I plan on finishing the first of my second pair, the Spring Forward socks from the summer Knitty. Pictures of that to follow.
In non-knitting news, guess what I'm doing right now?!?! Oh yeah....I'm just sitting here watching DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER!!!!!!! Evidently A&E has decided that while Dog may be a bit of a "character" he may not be so much of a racist and have put his show back on the air. You know what this means!! My obsession can continue! I knew the new season was starting in July, but you can imagine my surprise when I heard that familiar riff and the voice of Ozzy as the show came on tonight. I totally spazzed out. Big time.
Alright, off to work on my sock!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Because Everyone Else is Doing it.....
This has been going around the blogs so I figured I'd have a go at it. It was very interesting to see what turned up in my photo searches.
It goes a little something like this:
Search flickr for these things-
1) your name
2) favorite food
3) High school you attended
4) favorite color
5) Celebrity crush
6) favorite drink
7) dream vacation
8) favorite dessert
9) what you want to be when you grow up
10) what you love the most
11) single word to describe yourself
12) your flickr name
Cut and paste the URLs to fd's mosaic maker and voila!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mwahahahaha....I WIN!!
I've been doing a good deal of knitting lately but haven't had a chance to take pictures with the off and on weather. I'll try to do that tomorrow.
Monday, June 09, 2008
That's all for now. I need to do some more of this while I'm feeling motivated. I foresee the rest of the night going something like this: Untangle about 3 yrds of various yarn, panic attack, untangle 3 more yards, panic attack....etc.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
May Rockin' Sock Club!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Didn't beat the timer
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Yarny Weekend
This weekend should be pretty low key. I've been working in my office, sporadically at least, over the past few days and I've hatched a plan to assist with yarn/book storage. Now I just have to get off my bum and build the shelving units I picked up. My plan is to put one of those Target 4x2 units sideways under the long stretch of my desk and a little 2 story table unit under the shorter leg. Hopefully the printer to my laptop will fit there because it's been a real pain in the ass to have to run all over the place just to get a sock pattern....or whatever else I want a hardcopy of. But yeah, it's mainly just sock patterns. It may have been useful for me to have measured or something before I went out and bought the furniture, but if it doesn't fit where I want it I'll just find a place where it will.
I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I joined this years round of the 52 Pair Plunge. I don't know that either my willpower or my wrists will hold up to knitting a pair of socks each week, but I think it'll definitely help me downgrade the tremendous sock stash. I have a feeling that Fiesta Boomerang will be one of my best friends since it's so thick and sproingy. I haven't actually tested this, but I bet i can whip a pair out in a very timely manner with it. That starts June 1st, so if I appear to have vanished it'll be a safe bet that I'm just holed up obsessively knitting footwear.
Now I'm off to build!
ETA: The shelving unit TOTALLY doesn't fit! Dammit all!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Clapotis the Fourth
Sunday, May 18, 2008
You know you need another cup of coffee when....
So these past few days I've been running around more than usual on less than usual sleep. This was evidenced tonight as I sat here working on my clap and proclaimed, "Oh shit! I dropped a stitch!".
In other knitting news, I'm still going at it with the baby blanket. I'm not sufficiently at the point of time crunch madness that'll push me into crazy knitting on it. That day is on the horizon, however, so I can expect that it will soon become my current *must do* WIP.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
More Monkeys!!

Originally uploaded by knitglit
I joined a KAL on Ravelry and actually did the knitting!! I think I was just really excited to use this yarn, and who can turn down a Monkey sock? I have the first one completed....obviously, I guess, and am about to do the heel flap on the second. The colorway is KawKaw and was the sock camp colorway at this years Camp Crow's Feet. I wasn't able to go, but Cindy was kind enough to nab a skein for me. If anyone's interested in the colorway, Tina just put it up on the BMFA website today.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Freak of Nature!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
I got in my shipment from BMFA a few days ago. Rarely have I ever gotten such a thrill from a yarn shipment. Almost everything I took out of the box became my new favorite thing. And the Single Silk?? O.M.G! It is sooooooo nice. I don't have the patience to post a picture of each of the items received, but more detailed info can be found either on my Ravelry account, or on Flickr. In fact, I think that the individual photos should be rotating thru that little Flickr badge off to the left right about now.
In knitting news, I FINALLY finished my Leafling socks from the March RSC. More details on that to follow.....once this shitty weather goes away and I can take decent pictures. Today I think I'm going to cast on for a pair of Crosswalker socks with one of my new yarns. I love them all so much that it's going to be hard for me to decide which. No new progress on the baby blanket, because I suck and am very, very selfish.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Power of Sunshine
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Je pense que je suis "jinxed"
Friday, April 04, 2008
I'm Baaaack
Sooooooo.....I have lots and lots to share. My game plan to get myself back into the swing of blog maintenance is to post a little spread over a few days. Seeing as how I'm so all over the place, some of the stuff may be (severely) out of chronological order, but oh well. To start, I'll begin with the present.
Most of my sock club subscriptions have expired, which is a little sad. I had some massive issues with Paypal that kept me from being able to renew anything. Maybe that's for the best seeing as how my sock yarn stash has grown to legendary proportions. I think we all know where my heart really lies, and *that* sock club is still in full swing. Yes, I am referring to the 2008 Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock club. I don't really remember if I ever even posted my first shipment....I'll have to investigate that....but here's the second.